For schools, districts, local authorities and academy trusts


Upgrade to LYNX Organisation for free

Give teachers more time to teach, by taking over the administration tasks

LYNX Organisation gives you the most secure process for your school.

Fully GDPR complaint

Complete control and ownership of teacher and student files

Share content between users
and groups

Manage staff who leave the school, and block their access to school and student data

A simpler way to log in

A simpler way to log in

Sync with your school login system

Staff only have to log in to the system once.

A simpler way to log in

Access your files with your cloud drive

Teachers can access their resources without requiring a seperate log in.

Even more great features

Automatic Access to Pro

All users in your organisation will get access to the full suite of Pro features, including AI

Lots of space for all your files

Your organisation can take advantage of 100GB of storage!

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Upgrade to LYNX Organisation for free

You can set up an organisation in LYNX Whiteboard for free,
but to access all the features, contact us about a Pro plan


Upgrade to LYNX Organisation


Get in touch about a Pro Plan

Start Using LYNX Today!

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