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Making a positive impression with digital signage

Research has shown that people form an impression of a business within the first seven seconds of walking into the building, yes, just seven seconds! This initial impression is crucial as it often shapes the perceptions and opinions customers have about the company, and this can determine if they will do business with you.

Factors such as cleanliness, decor, atmosphere, and even staff interactions all contribute to how a business is perceived in those critical first moments. It is essential for businesses to focus on creating a welcoming and professional environment to ensure a positive first and lasting impression.


Digital signage is a powerful tool that has become a popular choice for businesses looking to enhance the aesthetic appeal of their entry foyer. By integrating digital displays into the decor, companies can convey important information, showcase promotional content, and create a dynamic and engaging environment for visitors. The versatility of digital signage allows businesses to customise the content based on their branding and messaging, ensuring a cohesive and visually appealing experience for anyone entering the building. Whether displaying welcome messages, highlighting achievements, introducing new products, or promoting upcoming events, digital signage adds a modern touch to the entryway and helps create a lasting impression on visitors.


Digital signage offers many advantages compared to traditional static signage, delivering dynamic content that can be easily updated in real time and allowing for more engaging and relevant messages to be displayed. Solutions such as CleverLive empower users to create one-touch functionality, making it easier to change content messaging depending on the audience and delivering a personalised experience.


So, if you want to turn those first seven seconds into a positive impression, consider how digital signage can complement your décor and act today. Contact the team for a demonstration.

By integrating digital displays into the decor, companies can convey important information, showcase promotional content, and create a dynamic and engaging environment