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Back to School with LYNX Pro

A guide to what’s new in LYNX Whiteboard

By Gareth Middleton (Clevertouch Education Specialist)

It’s the start of a new school year and, among the thousand and one other things you’ll already be trying to juggle, you’re probably considering the renewal of the various online services you’ve previously subscribed to. Or maybe it’s something you’ve overlooked – and hopefully I’ve prompted you to assess the efficacy of the resources you use. But can I tempt you with another?

If you’re already a LYNX Whiteboard user, you’ll know that it’s a FREE whiteboarding and presentation app that allows you to access your cloud drive files on almost any device and create interactive experiences for your students. However, with the rise of AI becoming ever more integrated with our day-to-day use of technology, LYNX Whiteboard has followed suit and now can offer all users some fantastic time saving creation tools. Yes, access to these features involves upgrading your account to a paid subscription, but at just £24 for a whole year, LYNX Pro really is value for money. So, what’s possible?

Currently our LYNX Pro users can upscale existing images, create bespoke images with an AI generator and enjoy up to 10 GB storage on their LYNX Cloud. They also have access to the new and improved recognition pens: Text and Shapes and Maths. See my earlier blog on LYNX Pro.

Yet, that’s not all folks! This term, LYNX Whiteboard is adding several new features that will greatly enhance your presentation creation experience. Introducing the AI Builder, which, as you can see from the image below, can be accessed straight from the dashboard upon opening the LYNX app.

Once launched, the AI Builder presents you with three areas of augmented content creation; using them you can edit or create pages, media or text – as shown in the images below.

         New pages                 New media                    New text

The Pages section will populate several pages at once on any topic of your choice. As well as title and contents pages, it can also provide you with summaries, assignment suggestions and quizzes. It’s an excellent tool for getting you started on that new topic you’ve been putting off.

The Media tools will help make your pages spring to life. You can search the web for existing images or videos (not just the websites showcased in our non-Pro media search tool). And if the image search doesn’t match up with your expectations, the Create Image tool will do just that in whatever style you wish. Check out the images of me winning at life in three different styles below. (Of course, the non-AI version is even more handsome!)

Finally, the Text section will help to add detail to your presentations, without lengthy research (or copying and pasting) eating into your own time. Here’s some top reasons that were generated for me on why using AI could benefit your life:

  • AI can help with homework and school assignments. 
  • Using AI can make learning new subjects more fun. 
  • It can remind us about important tasks and events. 
  • AI can suggest books and movies we might like. 
  • It can translate different languages to help us understand. 
  • AI can help us practice math problems and equations. 
  • Using AI, we can improve drawing and art skills. 
  • It can teach us how to play musical instruments. 
  • AI can help us stay organized with a daily schedule. 
  • It can provide fun educational games to play.

Tempted yet? If so, you can access the LYNX Pro sign up process at You can apply for a personal LYNX Pro upgrade or investigate the pricing of a site license for your colleagues too, which can save you money on each individual account.

Wait! Don’t rush off to sign up just yet. There are also new features for everyone – including those who want to stick with the free LYNX tools. For a start, many of our users asked if the Content pop up menus could be moved around the screen to allow for more flexibility when developing each slide. This request has been granted!

You also asked for the grids and other backgrounds to fit with any size of page – including infinity pages. This has also been done and can be easily managed from new tools within the Edit Background options.

However, my favourite new feature is the ability to automatically fill between the lines of any freehand drawing I create using the pens. The Fill tool will even respond to the placement of the ruler, as you can see in the image. You can also draw straight lines across the ruler with a pen now too.


LYNX Whiteboard is becoming ever more dynamic and versatile. If you and your team need initial or refresher training, please reach out at and we can arrange free training for you. If you’re totally new to LYNX, go to your devices app store or install it directly from the Downloads section of the Lynxcloud website. Create a free account and start exploring. It’s the “one thousand and second” thing you’ll do this year that you won’t regret!

LYNX Whiteboard is becoming ever more dynamic and versatile