Creating experiences for remote & hybrid working

Collaborative working can be difficult with the new working models of a hybrid or remote environment. The technology to work from home has existed for years, but most companies have been reluctant to let go of the traditional office set-up and working hours. 

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The post-pandemic office has forced us to adapt quickly and embrace new technologies.

These new types of working environments have had their struggles, but businesses are managing to overcome them with flexible technology solutions. We are now finding that teams are more productive and efficient from their home offices given the right support and technology to collaborate and communicate.

Increase productivity

Collaborate across devices and locations as if you were all in the same room. Enhance productivity and maximise potential with an interactive display.

Interactive displays for business collaboration

No Distractions

Few distractions mean better productivity. CleverCam uses a face-detection algorithm to automatically centre the camera frame to the person talking, whilst still ensuring that the other people in the room are in view.

Ultra HD 4k Resolution camera, Clevercam

Conversations matter

Good quality sound within the meeting room is key to avoid misunderstandings, misinformations and miscommunication. UX Pro features 45W max power for room-filling sound for a clearer, more precise meeting room experience with built-in line array, noise cancelling microphone.

Room-filling audio from UX Pro

Integrates seamlessly

A truly unified communications platform that is free from frustrations of incompatibility. Clevertouch products allow users to connect and collaborate no matter what device they are using and their choice of communication channels.

Flexible unified communication solutions

Work from home/wfh
Creating experiences for remote & hybrid working

Work from home

The technology to work from home has existed for years, but most companies were reluctant to let go of the traditional office set-up and working hours. The lockdown of 2020 forced us to adapt quickly and embrace new technologies.

Working from home has its struggles, but we’ve managed to overcome them, and businesses are now finding that their teams are productive and efficient from their home offices.

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Meetings made easy.

In-person or online - transform the way you connect with colleagues:
The introduction of BYOM offers a more dynamic workplace experience, where employees adopt a more huddle-like way of working. Use your own device to host a video conference, paired with your current unified communication solution at the same time as benefiting from the available AV solutions of the meeting room space you are in.

Discover BYOM

Empower Colleagues

BYOM is a fast and efficient way to connect to your chosen UC platform using your own device and the in-room AV. It’s a way to ensure a seamless user experience whilst empowering colleagues.

Online Collaboration

BYOM with Microsoft Teams

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Remote Collaboration

BYOM with Zoom

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Remote and personal

BYOM with Webex

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Advice on Remote Working From our Partners, DisplayNote Technologies –
Want better remote working?

Here are our top tips

Hybrid meetings

Back to the Future: How to Prepare Your Business for Hybrid Meetings in 2021


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Remote working

Crisis, Change & Collaboration: Does Remote Working Work?


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The secret to zoom

How to avoid Zoom fatigue


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Work from home/zoom_fatigue
Remote collaboration

How to Overcome the 5 Biggest Challenges to Successful Remote Collaboration


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Remote working

The Virtual Office: A Guide to the Best Remote Working Tools


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Work from home/remote_tools
Health and well being

These 5 Simple Habits Will Improve Your Wellbeing


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Work from home/wellbeing