What Educators Really Think About AI and Interactive Displays

In an era where interactive displays have become commonplace and discussions about the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the crucial question lingers: What are educators thinking?

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Are educators really using Interactive Display Technology?

The integration of interactive displays has emerged as a technological cornerstone, promising to revolutionise traditional teaching methods. However, amidst the buzz surrounding these cutting-edge tools, a fundamental question arises: are educators truly embracing and utilising interactive displays in their classrooms?

87% of classrooms already have at least one form of display installed

77% of educators are using interactive technology to support them in the classroom

38% of educators have encouraged or utilised AI-generated lesson plans in the classroom

Did you know?

75% believe AI-generated lesson content can enhance creativity

As the world anticipates the impact of AI on various sectors, our focus narrows to the hearts and minds of educators. How do they perceive the integration of AI into their teaching methodologies? Are interactive displays truly serving as effective tools to support and enhance the educational experience? Will an EDLA-certified interactive display actually benefit the classroom? We’ve conducted an in-depth survey involving more than 100 educators to unravel these questions.

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In our informative whitepaper 'What Educators Really Think About AI and Interactive Displays'

What Educators Really Think About AI and Interactive Displays
Educators thoughts on Google EDLA and how it will benefit them
How is AI impacting Educators?