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Manchester Central


UC EXPO is the North’s most extensive unified communications and collaboration event. Over two days, the event covers the most crucial trends spanning people, technology, and enterprise strategy, to enable smarter collaboration in a new era.

Location: Manchester

Las Vegas Convention Center


Learn the latest strategies and emerging trends during more than 100 workshops and education sessions, and from more than 550 companies at the Expo.

Location: Las Vegas

University of East Anglia

LTSMG Conference

The Learning and Teaching Spaces Managers Group was created to provide Higher Education AV, Media and IT managers with a forum to share knowledge and ideas.

Location: Norwich

Gaylord Texan Convention Center

FASTSIGNS International Convention

The world is going digital. Conventions, meetings and events are at the forefront of this revolution. Digital signs and digital kiosks provide the opportunity to integrate digital media into your convention and event planning. Visit us at booth 215.

Location: Texas

The International Convention Centre


Digifest 2022 brings together the UK’s learning and teaching community to consider the next stage in the evolution of learning.

Location: Birmingham


World Defence Show

Founded by Saudi Arabia’s General Authority for Military Industries, World Defence Show is a fully integrated and future focused defense event set to showcase the latest technological developments from around the globe and demonstrate defence interoperability across all domains.

Location: Riyadh
