Messen - Events - Webinare

Erleben Sie die innovative Technologie von Clevertouch hautnah auf branchenrelevanten Messen.

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und Webinaren auf das nächste Level!

Der CleverTalk ist die ideale Plattform für clevere Lehrkräfte & pädagogische Fachkräfte,
um sich fortzubilden und gleichgesinnte Lehrkräfte zu treffen.

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London Gallery: 55 Bartholomew Close, Barbican, London, EC1A 7ES

Bett 2025

Your Exclusive Clevertouch Experience
Just 15 minutes from Bett.

Location: Virtual Webinar

Hotel SB Plaza Europa

ISE 2025

Get ready for an exclusive VIP experience at Clevertouch Confidential, where innovation and inspiration collide

Location: 5 Minute Walk from the Fira, Barcelona

Sussex National Hotel in Uckfield.

Service 2 schools

We're attending.

Location: Sussex National Hotel in Uckfield.

Las Vegas Convention Center

InfoComm 2024

It's easy to walk into a modern workplace and find the latest tech, but does it work for the end user? Does it work seamlessly with any device? Can you use it for remote meetings, in-person meetings, presentations and solo work? Here at Clevertouch, we've put the user experience at the heart of what we do; join us at InfoComm 2024 to discover connected technology from the moment you enter the building through to the meeting room.

Location: Las Vegas, Nevada

Booth: Central Hall — C6503

Online & Showroom

Fortbildungsprogramm & Webinare 2025 bald hier verfügbar

Vielen Dank für die zahlreiche und aktive Teilnahme an unseren Fortbildungen & Webinaren im Jahr 2024!

Wir sind aktuell in der Planung unseres Fortbildungsprogramms für das Jahr 2025 und werden die Termine bald hier veröffentlichen.

Abonnieren Sie gerne unseren Newsletter, um über unser neues Programm informiert zu werden und keinen wichtigen Termin zu verpassen!

Location: Online & Showroom

Cardiff International Arena

ProcureX Wales

Procurex Wales is back for 2022, connecting buyers and suppliers across Wales’ procurement supply chain.

Officially supported by the Welsh Government, this one-day event will provide a wealth of public and private sector skills development, collaboration and networking. It will also showcase a range of product opportunities for organisations working with the public sector or exploring ways to work across Wales’ procurement marketplace and beyond.

Location: Cardiff

ExCel London

UC Expo Europe

Europe's number one unified communications event.

Location: London

Booth: T54

QEII Centre

Higher Education Conference

With three core themes designed to address the overarching challenges faced across the sector, we’ve structured our content to provide higher Ed professionals with keynote insights, best practices, and expert guidance, ensuring the community feels empowered to place new initiatives at the heart of their institution.

Location: London

Conference Aston

TechAbility Conference

Taking place on Wednesday 16 November at Conference Aston, Birmingham, TechAbility 2022; essential CPD for anyone working in the field of Assistive Technology.

Location: Birmingham

Dynamic Earth

Holyrood Digital Transformation

Holyrood Connect’s 8th annual flagship digital transformation event for the Scottish public sector has returned for another year. The event will provide delegates with the opportunity to engage with thought leaders and experts and keep abreast of the latest developments around digital transformation, ensuring that their organisations continue to thrive.

Location: Edinburgh
