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Summer Tips for Teachers: Balancing Work and Play

Ahhh summer! The time of year that every teacher looks forward to. Just because the students are off, it doesn’t mean that learning has to stop! From downtime to getting ahead on next term’s planning, here’s a blend of productive and fun activities to make the most of your summer!

Plan a mini trip

Summer is about unwinding, so if it’s a trip to the coast or a few days in a new place, a change of scenery can work wonders for leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalised! Not only is it a mental reset, you might also find some new inspiration for ideas to share with your students when you return to school.

Open a free LYNX Whiteboard account

Most teachers will spend some time planning lessons in the summer hols. Open a free LYNX account and explore new tools for the classroom. You can look through the LYNX Lesson Library and download some pre-created content to make the return to school a breeze.

Try a new hobby

Always take time to try something new, that isn’t related to what you teach. Knitting, pottery, climbing a mountain? Summer is the perfect time to give it a go!

Catch up on reading

As teachers, you’re always reading, but how often do teachers read for fun? Rediscover the joy of books over summer! If you’re re-reading an old classic, or finally opening something that’s been sitting on your Kindle for a few months, now is the perfect time to find a quiet spot and enjoy.

Stay connected

Whether it’s in online groups, social media, or catching up with current or previous colleagues, it’s important to stay connected to your fellow teachers during summer. It doesn’t have to be anything formal, just enjoy each other’s company without the pressures of school!


Most teachers will spend some time planning lessons in the summer hols. Open a free LYNX account and explore new tools for the classroom. You can look through the LYNX Lesson Library and download some pre-created content to make the return to school a breeze.
