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LYNX goes Pro!

In his latest blog, Clevertouch specialist and teacher, Gareth Middleton, explains the exciting new features coming soon into LYNX via a new LYNX Pro user offering.

Hi everyone! And I do mean EVERYONE! This blog is as much for all existing LYNX users as it is for all future Clevertouch customers – and the news is BIG! At Clevertouch, we have always prided ourselves on providing our accompanying software free of charge. And that’s NOT about to change! Instead, to offer our loyal LYNX legion even more, we intend to launch a LYNX Pro user subscription option within LYNX. As I explored the exciting new AI and predictive features that our developers are adding to LYNX, I instantly understood why these features could only be offered via a small subscription fee – and I’m sure you will too. And worry not, our ever-growing army of LYNX educators – LYNX will still be FREE for all users who aren’t interested in the AI features. However, once you’ve read on and discovered exactly how the new features can enhance your LYNX lessons, I’m sure you’ll all be as keen as I am to go Pro!

I predict a riot!

LYNX has had predictive pens for ages – three, in fact! The shape, text and maths pens have always been a favourite feature during our demos. So, for us to reassign them as tools for Pro-Users might seem like a bold and controversial move. However, we wanted to upgrade the recognition pens to make them even more effective for the users who really need them. Teachers who need their handwritten notes instantly transformed into text and maths teachers wanting answers to equations at their fingertips will find our new recognition pens an absolute must!

LYNX Pro users will now be given access to two new and enhanced recognition pens. With the “Text & Shapes” pen, lines, shapes and emojis convert seamlessly into neater images from freehand drawings. As before, words turn into the font of your choice and can be edited as a live text box – but now, even if drawn within a shape.

The new Maths pen will accurately convert all mathematical symbols and will now provide covered answers for all basic equations – including division! Square roots and cubed numbers also yield results!

Create a scene!

As the first of a planned range of future AI enhancements to the LYNX app, the
creation of bespoke pictures has now been made possible thanks to the addition of an AI image generator. LYNX’s Media Search has always provided users with high quality images, GIFs and videos free from adverts, but now LYNX Pro users will be able to create their own images rather than waste valuable time searching for the perfect picture.

Soon, users will also be able to add AI generated paragraphs, lists AND set up their presentations with an AI Builder. This invaluable tool will create the structure of your presentation via a range of templates.

Improve your image!

You’ve always been able to remove the background or activate a 360-degree rotation mode within LYNX, but now you can also sharpen up your images with the new Upscale Image tool. Restoring old masters, such as my examples below, are only the start of what’s possible with this amazing tool.

For example, there’s nothing more annoying than finding the perfect worksheet online just to discover that the images and text are too blurry. Upscale Image will sharpen the images for both on-screen display and printing.

Quizzical quizzes!

Via the LYNX Cloud website, users have been able to create interactive quizzes for some time. LYNX Pro users will be able to save time and effort by asking an integrated AI application to generate questions for them. Of course, the end user is responsible for checking the accuracy of all such questions…

Extra Extra!

LYNX Pro users will also get more storage space (10 GB) within the LYNX Cloud instead of the 1GB already provided to LYNX free users.

The annual fee is cited to be just £24 a year per user account, not per individual device.

Site licenses for a wider range of users can be negotiated via a Contact Us form on the LYNX Cloud website – Organisations will get LYNX Pro user status for ALL enlisted email addresses or accounts.

Our LYNX developers have lots of other great innovations planned for both LYNX Pro and LYNX free users, including cloud-based content areas and downloadable content from the LYNX Cloud. It’s an exciting time to convert to the fastest growing file management and lesson creation application: LYNX Whiteboard! Visit or your app store to download it for free today!


Keep updated with LYNX developments, or contact Gareth for more information. 

once you’ve read on and discovered exactly how the new features can enhance your LYNX lessons, I’m sure you’ll all be as keen as I am to go Pro!