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Diversity and Inclusion Guest Blog: Now we are talking D&I

Currently it is pride month. What does that mean, it means that we are recognising and celebrating the impact the LGBT+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender) community has had globally and recognising where laws have changed and where we can do more to make sure that we all have the same rights to live and be happy. 

There are many times throughout the year where the conversation of Diversity, Equality & Inclusion are discussed, but what does that really all mean?  Well, in its simplest form, the term ‘diversity’ means to form a collection of different things.  Inclusion means the state of being included and Equality means everyone having the same outcomes and belonging/an affinity for a place or situation. 

Focusing on this subject does not mean that you give an advantage to someone or disadvantage someone based on arbitrary decisions. 

When we discuss Diversity and Inclusion, we are discussing 34 unique characteristic that any business will see in their organisations. Most focus on eight key areas (Gender, Sexual orientation, Disability, Ethnicity/Race, Generations, Social Mobility & Mental Wellbeing) 

What are the outcomes of having a diverse and inclusive business? 

  • Companies with higher-than-average diversity had 19% higher innovation revenues. (Harvard Business Review)
  • According to a 2015 McKinsey report, companies in the top quarter for racial/ethnic diversity are 35% more likely to surpass peers, while those in the same bracket for gender diversity are 15% more likely to do the same. (McKinsey)
  • An open, diverse, inclusive environment can boost productivity and performance for everyone in a work environment, not just LGBT+ individuals. (World Economic Forum, Open for Business Report 2018)

All the above statements point to positive things that having a business that values inclusion & diversity can bring. They also speak to the innovation that might come from having a business that brings to light new ideas in the knowledge that those who are creating concepts have explored many opinions and insights. 

A fun fact about the apple watch, when they were first designed left-handed users had issues, why? Because everyone in the development team was a right-handed user. So down to those simple things you need diversity and the power to hear different voice in a room. 

At Clevertouch Technologies we help transform business operations to enable stronger communication, connectivity and collaboration within a diverse group of people. Not just customers, staff and suppliers, but who those people really are. Connecting people is an important part of business, but an essential part of life.

Having a diverse and inclusive business doesn’t mean that you will get everything right nor that you will move faster, but it does mean that you will be better able to take the world into account in your decision making and in some instances grow your market share. Helping your business flourish. Who does not want that?

Happy Pride Month

Geoffrey Williams is an Inclusion & Diversity Professional, Owner of Geoffrey O. Williams Ltd, a consultancy that focus on I&D, Culture, Communication, and confident I&D narrative building. He is also the co-founder of Rocking Ur Teens a social enterprise that works with young people aged 13 – 16 across the UK to build strong self-esteem, good mental well being and career goals.


All the above statements point to positive things that having a business that values inclusion & diversity can bring. They also speak to the innovation that might come from having a business that brings to light new ideas in the knowledge that those who are creating concepts have explored many opinions and insights.“